Author Archives: admin
Update on nesting situation….!!!
So just for info …..with good information from our spotters on the ground they appear to be using N/E turret…no idea why but it still could be very much on ….This is the turret below the old ravens nest which … Continue reading
Update on latest situation at the Cathedral….!!
So a little update…. Everything appears to be going on normally apart from the one fact at this moment they are not interested in their nest box. They are mating,talking with each other visiting other turrets and the old Ravens … Continue reading
Love is in the Air….!!
Might be slow going at the moment but we have had several intruders and all the bad weather must have had an effect on their lives……but ….Love is in the Air…..!!
Yesterday evening….!!
Mum and Dad both around yesterday evening…..sitting quite close to each other….
Slow Going …..but all positive….!!
Both birds in residence Dad has been in the box it’s a bit slow going but there has been a female intruder around ….plus let’s face it the weather has been awful apart from today so I think they are … Continue reading
Cameras Live Tomorrow…..!!
So going live tomorrow I will try to aim for 8.00am but there are several jobs to do before it can go live so bear with it if it’s a little after that time. Please don’t forget the cameras will … Continue reading
Exciting News ….Cameras Going Live…..!!
Planning to go live with the Cameras on Friday …..I will keep you all informed….Exciting times…..!!!
First view…..!!
One of his first visits to the nest box doing his routine maintenance early this am ….Camera in night mode hence black and white ….We are working hard to try to get the cameras live to the public inside the … Continue reading
Camera and Open Day Update…..!!
CAMERA AND OPEN DAY UPDATE Peregrine open days will take place this year from 5th June -7th July inclusive. We will be taking Mondays and Tuesdays off . The cameras are now installed in has taken longer than usual due … Continue reading
Hunting Trip….!!
Quick Look at the Cathedral saw Mum on her way out hunting with a very determined look on her face….Taken this am in glorious Sunshine after the dreadful weather of the night before…..!!