New Season….Very Excited….!!

Last year was a tough year, but we move towards spring with hope in our hearts and a certain amount of excitement as the coming 2025 season arrives.
Both birds are in residence, and all looking positive for the coming season.

The cameras are going live on the 24th February.They are brand new cameras and systems thanks to Chichester Cathedral and David and Janet Shaw. There will be a series of open days starting on the 7th June and ending on the 6th of July. Showing the public, the majesty of these amazing birds.We will be taking Mondays and Tuesdays off.We are looking forward to the new season……enjoy….!!

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Exhibition at Graffiti Street Gallery

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

Looking forward to the coming season beautiful artwork by the Artist Nils Westergard….who would have thought the peregrines would be hanging in the same room as Banksy….!!!

*Peregrine” honours the peregrine falcon in Chichester. Using intricate hand-cut stencils inspired by David Shaw’s photography, it showcases the bird’s majesty against Chichester Cathedral, highlighting its historical significance as a breeding site, and the importance of protecting its habitat

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Difficult Decision….

This has been a very strange year with the weather being a major factor in the events. First not choosing the normal turret and going to a turret off camera. It was possible to tell from the behaviour in and around the turret that they had eggs for about three weeks. Then a violent storm which washed out the nest. Some two weeks later an egg was laid on camera and looked after by both birds. We were hopeful of a successful outcome. Then mum left it for three hours, returned, left it for an hour, only to then leave it for an eight hour shift in the night and it was cold. The egg can’t survive that. Dad has not given up but mum has and Mums know best. We have taken the difficult decision to cancel the rest of the open days as there is very little to show the public.
As a project there is still much to celebrate as over the 23 year period of the nest they have fledged 76 chicks. We will return with all our enthusiasm for the 2025 season.

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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Sad News….!!

Dad taking breakfast today ….good views again today but sad news I’m afraid ….. yesterday the egg was unattended for 3 hours and last night for 8 hours ….!!! The resilience of the pair is incredible given what they have been through this year ….but at 19 days old for the egg Mum has given up with it but you can see the lament as she sits nearby or visits the egg without sitting. Dad has not accepted the situation quite yet and is still taking his turn and is perplexed that she does not . We have to accept now that the egg is no longer viable .
When you think of the success rate of this site you can only celebrate the 76 chicks fledged in the 22 years before . I am now looking forward with a positive mind to the 2025 season …..!!!!

Chichester. Peregrines

Chichester. Peregrines

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Egg Watch….!!

Mum today at the Cathedral both birds were on view for a fair time at the Cathedral today we would have love to of seen a little bit more time spent on the nest …,there was a time the egg was left unattended for longer than we would of liked …..time will tell ….open days continue tomorrow….!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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Open Days….!!

Shot this am on the second day of our five weeks of open days at the Cathedral and boy is it busy as the flower festival is on as well .The peregrines were featured on Good Morning Britain yesterday and I spoke to Sky News today so we will see what happens with that. It’s a joy to talk to so many supporters of the Peregrines in person we are all really enjoying it. Mum has been sitting on her egg for 16 days now and we are growing in hope and confidence that it will hatch….!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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Open Days Begin….!!

Open days start on Wednesday 5th June and we are very excited to be doing it all over again. Mum and Dad are incubating their one egg and although it may not be viable as it’s more than 40 days later than we’ve ever had an egg ,they seem to still think it’s all systems go.Time will tell . For us with open days it’s completely different to normal as we will have live views onto the nest of Mum or Dad sitting on their egg .We very much look forward to seeing you at the Cathedral if you can possibly make it….we will have the new pin badges available as well. See you there….!!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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First Egg …..!!

Well who would have thought it some 40 days later than the latest ever egg we have an egg it was laid at 10.53 …..the pigmentation looked a little odd and maybe a little small so we will wait and see what happens….its still very feasible that its game on. Last night was the fire exercise at the Cathedral involving all emergency services and the Peregrines watched with interest and were not disturbed by it. Interesting times it remains to be seen what will happen…..the next few days will show whether we get a full clutch or not it is possible the egg is not viable. We are sure they have already laid eggs in the north east turret and were flooded out in the storm three weeks ago. So it is unprecedented times but also very interesting the next few days should give us some answers….!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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Worth a look at the webcam….!!

Extraordinary stuff well worth a look at the webcam…..!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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Another update….!!

The horrendous storm of Wednesday night Thursday morning, has put an end to any chance they had of raising a family in the north east turret. I am sure they had eggs but they have been off them too long now….I guess they got completely flooded out. It was never a good idea. Both birds are now showing a lot of interest in the south east turret. We will continue to watch and keep you informed…..with fingers crossed and toes…… never say never!!! The drama continues old naturalist friend of mine once said to me after several unexpected turns in a seasons events, “This is wildlife it’s not a zoo “
Never could his words have rung a truer note…..!!!

Chichester Peregrines

Chichester Peregrines

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