- Chichester Peregrine new season
- Chichester Peregrines
- Chichester Peregrines
- Chichester Peregrines
- Chichester Peregrines
- Chichester Peregrines
Last year was a tough year, but we move towards spring with hope in our hearts and a certain amount of excitement as the coming 2025 season arrives.
Both birds are in residence, and all looking positive for the coming season.
The cameras are going live on the 24th February.They are brand new cameras and systems thanks to Chichester Cathedral and David and Janet Shaw. There will be a series of open days starting on the 7th June and ending on the 6th of July. Showing the public, the majesty of these amazing birds.We will be taking Mondays and Tuesdays off.We are looking forward to the new season……enjoy….!!