Update on latest situation at the Cathedral….!!

So a little update….
Everything appears to be going on normally apart from the one fact at this moment they are not interested in their nest box. They are mating,talking with each other visiting other turrets and the old Ravens nest. We don’t know why…but it could be down to the terrible weather, there have been intruder Peregrines…..which is a big factor in unsettling our pair. I am very sure it’s the same female….she will be 11/12 years old so age could be a factor but the mating on a regular and sometimes several times in a day would point to all being well and normal with her. I am 90% certain the male is the same bird. We are still very hopeful we will have a family but it is unusual behaviour for the Chichester pair. The latest in the last 22 years that a first egg was laid is the 9th April so let’s stay positive and we will keep you informed as best we can….!!

Chichester Peregrines New Season

Chichester Peregrines New Season

About admin

The life of the famous Chichester Peregrines that live on the cathedral spire.
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