I arrived this evening to find three of the juveniles sitting on the NE turret, and dad looking on from his perch high on the spire. All was peaceful. Until, one of the juveniles got restless, then decided he (or she) wanted to play.
He flew first to the SW turret, and sat for a while enjoying the sunshine. Then, presumably got lonely. He flew around squawking, then went right up to dad, dislodging him from his perch. Dad dutifully flew around with the youngster for several minutes before going back to his perch. He wasn’t there long before he was dislodged again – this kid was enjoying the game! Dad wasn’t having any of it though – he went and hid on the other side of the spire.
Another juvenile joined in the game, and the two youngsters played in the air for a few minutes, chasing and tumbling around each other, before settling back on the cathedral.