Peace at last!

Yesterday, I saw both adults sitting peacefully in the sunshine on the east side of the cathedral, dad in his usual spot high on the spire, and mum on the central blind window below him.

I haven’t seen any of the kids for several days now.  It’s possible that they’re still coming in to roost after dusk, but they may have all moved away.  If you’ve seen them recently, please add a comment and let us know where.  Thanks!

About admin

The life of the famous Chichester Peregrines that live on the cathedral spire.
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3 Responses to Peace at last!

  1. Words says:

    Hi, I spotted a peregrine over at Rottingdean yesterday. A black leg ring on the left leg, #34. I suspect it’s one of the Chichester ones (our locals have green leg rings on the other leg). A couple of photos are on my blog here

    It would be great to confirm whether it is one of the Chichester ones and to know a bit more about it.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks for letting us know about 34. She is from this year’s brood of 4 at Chichester Cathedral. I was present when she was ringed – an amazing priviledge! Looked at your blog it’s great – fantastic pictures – what camera and lens were/are you using?

  3. Words says:

    Hi, thanks for confirming the details on the peregrine. The photos were taken with a Canon 40D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens. I go t about a dozen decentish shots of her as she flew in, and then lost sight as she went round the cliff side.

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