For the first time in the 23 year history of the peregrine nest at Chichester Cathrdral, the birds have decided to nest off camera. They have chosen the north east turret. We do not really know why and can only surmise that maybe weather and water lying in the south east turret influenced them. This would be their normal site.
They are wild birds and as such will make their own decisions as to what is best. It has taken a lot of watching and time to ascertain what is actually happening as regard to nesting this year. We think they are two to two and a half weeks behind their normal schedule. We are as certain as we can be that they now have eggs, behaviour patterns strongly suggest this.
The decision to shut down the cameras has been taken as this year unfortunately they show us nothing.
We will be monitoring and keeping you informed as best we can on the progress of this new nest site from the ground . Please bear in mind this will all be observations from the ground with no help from nest cams.
Open days will go ahead as they have a good chance of raising the family in this new site. We look forward to welcoming this new peregrine family to the Cathedral and showing the visitors who come to see them during the open day season of June and July.
Open days run each day from 5th June until the 7th July inclusive but not Mondays and Tuesdays.

Chichester Peregrines