Just to keep you all updated….. This morning saw a very successful meeting with the Cathedral and SOS……The project will be moving forward without the RSPB…..due to business reasons…..It is being jointly funded and run by Chichester Cathedral, David Shaw Wildlife and the Sussex Ornithological Society. To most it will mean very little difference there will be live webcam pictures as usual on the web all updates on the blog and Facebook will be there…..There may well be more info than before on the Cathedrals website as well .We are hoping to run a series of Open Days at weekends for public viewing (unfortunately has to be weekends due to our own work commitments ) and of course as many of you know it is very easy to find us during the season in the evenings watching and taking pictures of the birds. We would ask any volunteers who use to help and wish to continue to please email your contact details to us via the Chichester Peregrines website.(www.chichesterperegrines.co.uk) Looking forward to an exciting new season……Thank you all for your continued support……!!