Well, the last few weeks have been fairly uneventful – both peregrines sitting close together, either one above the other, or mirroring each other like bookends. Nothing has really happened worth mentioning though. There is some restoration work being done at the cathedral at the moment, and one of the builders yesterday told me that our pair were spotted mating earlier in the day. Gosh, that is very early! About 2-3 weeks earlier than we expect based on previous years.
Today, I saw them again doing their impression of a pair of bookends, then mum squawked, prompting dad to fly around and land on the nest turret. He kept looking from the turret up to her and back again, presumably contemplating his duties for the months ahead. He then hopped down inside for a few minutes before reappearing on top to watch the sunset. No sign of mating today, but they’re obviously thinking about it!