After disappearing in a northerly direction for 10 minutes, dad returned at 13.25 with lunch. It’s a sad fact that peregrines are not vegetarians they eat other birds (I don’t like that much either, but there you have it nature in action!). He brought it in and landed on a perch next to his missus on the east blind-window, and proceeded to pluck it. From the moment she saw him returning with prey, she started squawking very loudly (back to her normal volume!) and continued while he was trying to concentrate on preparing the meal. He got tired of this and moved to another perch on the other side of the blind-window. Not a great move he was still only about 2 feet away from her, and within plain sight. She was quiet for a moment (presumably while she wondered what on earth he hoped to achieve by moving such a short distance away), then squawked again. A short time later, he went to perch on the north side, out of her sight, and thought better of it, returning to his original perch right next to her. She hopped up and stole the prey from him, taking it to the top pinnacle, while he flew off, eventually landing on his favourite spot high on the spire with nothing.
She sat plucking and eating her meal for the next half-hour, afterwards still looking hungry. Making babies obviously takes a lot of energy!