Chichester Peregrines Spring 2009

They’re Back!!!


About admin

The life of the famous Chichester Peregrines that live on the cathedral spire.
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7 Responses to Chichester Peregrines Spring 2009

  1. admin says:

    Its really good that they are back I look forward to following their progress this season. David

  2. davidshaw says:

    Just heard he has been seen his am

  3. davidshaw says:

    Janet does your link work now to the blog

  4. jmshaw says:

    does this work too!!!!!!

  5. jmshaw says:

    I’m off to see them too such a lovely day.

  6. davidshaw says:

    Both birds were there on saturday 070902 looking very perky and well fed. It was a beautiful day but with a very cold wind blowing it did not seem to bother them one bit.

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